河南省豫教国际教育科技有限公司简称豫教国际,是从事国际教育交流服务的专业化、集团化公司,其前身是成立于1993年的河南省教育国际交流中心。30多年来,豫教国际随着我省经济、文化、教育等各项事业的蓬勃兴起,自身也得到了充分的发展。目前,豫教国际拥有正式固定员工60余人,大多数具有海外留学经历或海外生活、培训经历;业务范围由起初单纯的自费出国留学中介服务,延展至涵盖高端外语培训、各层次的中外合作办学运营及管理、海外游学、各类因公、因私出国考察,培训团组的组织接待、海外移民服务等在内的综合性国际教育交流产业链条;位于省会郑东新区CBD 2000平方米的总部办公楼交通便利,环境优美,为广大学生、家长提供舒适的业务咨询办理和出国培训条件。
- 豫教国际是河南省教育直属的留学服务机构
- 豫教国际是首批获得教育部资质的出国留学服务机构
- 豫教国际在海外有常设分公司和办事处的留学服务机构
- 豫教国际是取得国家外专局颁发的外国专家聘请资质的留学服务机构
- About US
IEES- China Henan International Education Exchanges & Services Ltd is a registered and government approved education service company which has been in the education business for more than 30 years since it was founded in 1993. In 2000, IEES was accredited by the Ministry of Education, China as an authorized organization providing professional overseas study service. IEES has branches in the major cities of Henan Province. Internationally it is registered as IEES International Pty Ltd in Hong Kong and Sydney Australia. IEES has its associate companies or representatives in the UK, Canada, US, etc. The business scopes of IEES cover overseas study service, teachers and students overseas study tours, professional training for teachers, education administrators and other areas of government officials, facilitation, establishment and operation of joint venture programs in high school and university level collaboration, foreign languages training.
IEES founded Kingsford International College (hereafter as KIC) in 2010 offering English, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese languages training, IELTS, PTE, TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT training, overseas university foundation and pre-master programs.
Kingsford International Schools (hereafter as KIS) as an independent school was founded by IEES in 2011 operating primary, secondary and high school education.